Our new Executive committee
Last week we held our AGM and North-east Essex Liberal Democrats have new officers and Executive Committee members. Well, many are the same - I was re-elected Chair, Robert Taylor Treasurer and Pam Candler Membership Secretary - but Rosemary Smith stood down as Secretary, being unanimously elected as our President instead, and John Candler stood down as Vice-chair.Cllr Gary Scott returns as Vice-chair and a new member - Tom Stevenson - was elected as our Secretary. Another new member (definition - joined since the general election ), Rain Welham-Cobb, has also joined the Executive Committee. Young people are definitely better represented.
There are one or two members of the old Exec who couldn't make the AGM and who were elected subject to their assent and the first meeting of the new Executive may co-opt people, so we'll put out a full list after that.
Simon Banks