NEELD's new Exec
Following the AGM and the first meeting of the newly-elected Executive Committee, which made a co-option and settled a non-elected responsibility, the new Executive Committee to run the local party is:
PRESIDENT: Rosemary Smith (also on the Exec)
CHAIR: Simon Banks
VICE-CHAIR: Cllr Gary Scott
SECRETARY: Tom Stevenson
TREASURER: Robert Taylor
EXEC MEMBERS: Pat Beadles, William Brown, John Candler, David Dixon, Maureen Legall, Janet Russell, Rain Welham-Cobb
COUNCILLORS (members by virtue of being councillors): Cllr Mark Cory, Cllr Jon Manning.
Rain Welham-Cobb takes on the lead for campaigning, supported by Gary Scott. The Data Officers are Robert Taylor and John Candler for their respective constituencies.
Rain, Tom and William are all new members who joined since the general election.